Shop Sweet Merch

Artist of the Month (@ugetsuu)

Our Mission

To be a sweet reminder on the importance of human connection.

One of the BEST things about food is the many ways it brings people like you and I together. It's an introduction and an adventure into the remarkable cultures around the world without a single word spoken. Even if you have never traveled the roads of Asia, a bite of a hot fluffy Taiyaki stuffed with sweet red bean, could give you a small glimpse into what life might be like there. Or the feeling of excitement but also the agonizing uncertainty when serving a family recipe that might be a little too adventurous for the potluck because OF COURSE they're going to love it! Right..?
These introductions to new cultures through food is our favorite form of human connection and we promise to carry on that tradition by connecting artists around the world with our local communities and loyal fans of Rice Culture. With your support, we are able to represent the AAPI community through our desserts, give our staff livable wages, and continue to expand Rice Culture so our Taiyakis can reach more of you.
From the bottom of our hearts, you have our sincerest gratitude. It has been quite the journey to say the least so thank you for making us a part of your day. Let's continue to be a positive impact to everyone around us.
-Kevin and Mikki